ISSN: 2147-8724

Evaluation Policy

Evaluation Policy

Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in the Journal of Ankara Studies shall be unique and bring a new dimension to the issue with which it deals. The manuscript is required not to be published before in any media organ or not to be during publication evaluation process of any media organ when it is submitted to the system.

Author is responsible for manuscript published. No opinion and remark shall not bind the journal, editors, referees or publisher Koc University-VEKAM (Vehbi Koc Ankara Studies Research Center).

Editors decide on which issue manuscripts, which are deemed appropriate to be published, will be published.

Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in refereed articles section of the journal are evaluated by means of "blind review" method. Manuscripts reviewed and deemed appropriate for evaluation by editors are send to two different referees. In case of difference of opinion between two referees, opinion of a third referee is referred to.

Referees are obligated to reply after evaluating publications submitted to them in line with criteria stated within 3 weeks. In the event that referee fails to evaluate during this period, editors recall the manuscript and directs it to third and/or fourth referee.

In line with reports from referees, it is decided on publication of manuscript, asking author to edit in accordance with referee report, or rejection of manuscript.

Reason of rejected manuscripts shall be reported to their authors.

Manuscripts, which needs to be edited, shall be forwarded to their authors through the system, together with referee reports (without stating names of referees) and editor notes. After editing as requested, the author loads the manuscript again and the manuscript is submitted to the relevant referee/referees again. The process continues until evaluation conducted by the relevant referee about corrections made by the author and approval concerning being publishable.

Referee opinions present only opinions to editors in with respect to final decision. Final decision is made by editors.

Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in opinion articles section of the journal is evaluated by editors of the journal. If required, editors may obtain evaluation on manuscript from the relevant referees and ask authors make necessary corrections or reject the manuscript.

Publication process of manuscripts submitted to journal is estimated to be concluded within 6 months. Period between the date on which referees or editors ask author/authors to revise the manuscripts and the date on which author/authors make/s corrections is not included in 6-months period.

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