The Journal of Ankara Studies is a refereed, periodical media organ published semi-annually by Koc University, Vehbi Koc Ankara Studies Research Center.
Aim and Scope
The Journal of Ankara Studies aims to create a platform for academic studies from different disciplines revealing new data on urban elements of Ankara through scientific methods and release these studies to the public.
The journal contains unique research articles and opinion articles that reveal and discus historical, cultural, political, economical development, as well as geological transformation and present urban issues of Ankara through scientific method and approach of different disciplines.
Publication Interval
The Journal of Ankara Studies started to be published under Vehbi Koc Foundation Sadberk Hanım Museum by VEKAM in 2013 has been maintaining its broadcasting life under Koc University since 2014. The journal is published semi-annually in June - December.
Language of Publication
Articles in Turkish or English is published in the journal. Articles in Turkish, shall be written in compliance with the Dictionary of Spelling of TDK (Turkish Linguistic Society) (including abbreviations).
The Journal of Ankara Studies does not request a fee for submission, evaluation, and publication stages of manuscripts. The authors do not pay manuscript processing fee for studies they have submitted to the journal.
Plagiarism check
Manuscripts accepted by the scientific board and the editorial board of the Journal of Ankara Studies are checked for plagiarism through supplementary software (such as iThenticate ve TurnitIn). Any resulting matches during this check are examined, following which a plagiarism report is prepared for the manuscript. Based on this report, authors may be required to make adjustments on relevant sections or the manuscript may be removed from the publication process. In certain cases, reports may be shared with referees, who may be requested to make assessments.
Where plagiarism is detected, the editor of the journal reserves the right to impose necessary sanctions. Manuscripts may be returned to their authors based on these grounds. In cases of plagiarism suspicion concerning an already published manuscript, the Journal of Ankara Studies retracts the manuscript, takes the necessary steps to launch investigations and informs relevant institutions and authorities as well as indexes where the journal cited.
Withdrawal/Retraction policy
A holistic and thorough publication process is aimed for all manuscripts sent to the Journal of Ankara Studies. In this context, the Journal aims to publish reliable and original work. In line with the publication policies of the Journal of Ankara Studies, authors and the Editorial Board have the following responsibilities concerning a withdrawal process:
Authors should inform the editor of the journal of their request to withdraw a manuscript that has been published, accepted following a review process, is in early release/view or in the evaluation process.
Authors should prepare a document, signed by all authors (wet signatures), concerning their withdrawal request and send its scan to the editorial staff of the journal through electronic post. At this stage, authors cannot send their manuscripts to another journal for review without the required approval of the Editorial Board.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Ankara Studies may proceed with investigations in cases where there is a suspicion of infringement of copyright or academic ethical codes concerning a manuscript published in the Journal, is in early release/view or in the evaluation process.
If infringement of copyright or academic ethical codes is identified during this investigation, the manuscript is retracted from publication and authors are informed.
The following withdrawal and notice steps are applied in cases where the Editorial Board identifies infringement of copyright or academic ethical codes in a manuscript that is published or is in early release/view.
• The word “Retracted” is added in front of the title of the electronically accessed manuscript.
• Justifications of retraction, and if available, comments of the institution(s) to which the authors are affiliated with are published instead of the Abstract and Full Text links. The reasons for retracting the manuscript as well as original citations are shared with the public and researchers.
• Institutions, indexes and catalogues where the Journal is cited are notified of the justifications of retraction.
Early Release/View
In order to spread up-to-date scientific data, manuscripts that are accepted after the peer-review process and whose post-acceptance procedures have been completed are made available electronically as an early release/view with their DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.
Early release/view manuscripts are paginated and published in the volume and number that the Editorial Board sees fit, and are removed from early release/view. Early release/view manuscripts may not be the final versions to be published in the normal volume. Minor changes may be made in the published versions.
DOI Number
DOI number is an access address that enables published work to be identified and allows access to the manuscript’s official and original copy. Journal of Ankara Studies appoints DOI numbers to manuscripts accepted after their pre-publication processes and secures their official electronic information.
Privacy Statement
Any information shared by the authors during registration and submission shall be specially used for the purposes of journal, and shall not share with the third person or institutions.
Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in the Journal of Ankara Studies shall be unique and bring a new dimension to the issue with which it deals. The manuscript is required not to be published before in any media organ or not to be during publication evaluation process of any media organ when it is submitted to the system.
Author is responsible for manuscript published. No opinion and remark shall not bind the journal, editors, referees or publisher Koc University-VEKAM (Vehbi Koc Ankara Studies Research Center). Editors decide on which issue manuscripts, which are deemed appropriate to be published, will be published.
Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in refereed articles section of the journal are evaluated by means of "blind review" method. Manuscripts reviewed and deemed appropriate for evaluation by editors are send to two different referees. In case of difference of opinion between two referees, opinion of a third referee is referred to.
Referees are obligated to reply after evaluating publications submitted to them in line with criteria stated within 3 weeks. In the event that referee fails to evaluate during this period, editors recall the manuscript and directs it to third and/or fourth referee.
In line with reports from referees, it is decided on publication of manuscript, asking author to edit in accordance with referee report, or rejection of manuscript.
Reason of rejected manuscripts shall be reported to their authors.
Manuscripts, which needs to be edited, shall be forwarded to their authors through the system, together with referee reports (without stating names of referees) and editor notes. After editing as requested, the author loads the manuscript again and the manuscript is submitted to the relevant referee/referees again. The process continues referees's publishable approval.
Referee opinions present only opinions to editors in with respect to final decision. Final decision is made by editors.
Manuscripts to be submitted in order to be published in opinion articles section of the journal is evaluated by editors of the journal. If required, editors may obtain evaluation on manuscript from the relevant referees and ask authors make necessary corrections or reject the manuscript.
Publication process of manuscripts submitted to journal is estimated to be concluded within 6 months. Period between the date on which referees or editors ask author/authors to revise the manuscripts and the date on which author/authors make/s corrections is not included in 6-months period.
Copyright Notice
Authors are obligated to transfer copyrights of manuscripts to Koc University-VEKAM. Koc University-VEKAM is authorized to publish the manuscript. Authors' All rights which are registered other than copyright, Right to copy their manuscripts for their own apart from commercial purposes, Right to use the manuscript, partly or completely, in their future studies such as books and courses providing that journal is stated in the bibliography, Right to use their manuscripts on their personal web sites providing that imprint is stated, are reserved.
Authors are obligated to sign "Transfer of Copyright Form", then select the Transfer of Copyright Form from "File Category" during the 10th application step on the Journal Management System, and load and submit the signed and scanned form to editors. At the same time they are required to send this form to the address "Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM) Pınarbaşı Mah. Şehit Hakan Turan Sok. No:9 Keçiören-Ankara, TÜRKİYE" Manuscripts of authors failing to submit Transfer of Copyright Form will not be published.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of Ankara Studies has adopted providing open access policy together with publication. Increasing global change of information, open access gives rise to useful results for mankind. Furthermore, the Journal of Ankara Studies supports Budapest Open Access Initiative, which was accepted on 12 September 2012. Open access policies adopted by Publication Board of the Journal of Ankara Studies in this context may be found at
All articles published in the Journal of Ankara Studies have been licensed to “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License” . This license bestows rights of reproduction, share and distribution at data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs and all other platforms providing that all published articles, data sets, graphics and annexes are referred. Open access is an approach facilitating the interdisciplinary communication and promoting different principles to work together. In this direction, the Journal of Ankara Studies provides added value in its field by offering much more access and more transparent evaluation process to the articles.
Within the context of providing open access policy, articles published in the Journal of Ankara Studies may be used, copied and shared on condition of providing reference.
Official web page of the journal is Readers can access to articles published in the previous issues here. They can full text scanning in the published articles. It is possible to obtain hard copy of the journal from points of sales of Yapı Kredi Yayınları (YKY).
Libraries are recommended to make the open-access Journal of Ankara Studies available in their periodical collections and not to impose any restriction on file content.
All articles published in this journal licensed by the Creative Commons (CC BY).
Publication Ethics
Journal of Ankara Studies ethical duties and responsibilities are concordant with the policies made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding all parties included in the publication process as authors, refereees, editors, publisher and readers.
Research Ethics
Within the scope of protection of human and animal rights Journal of Ankara Studies is concordant with the ethic policies and principles in both national and international level. The papers which will be submitted to the Journal of Ankara Studies with research areas/topics given below should document that they have obtained Ethics Committee Approval
Journal of Ankara Studies is obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of authors,editors and referees; The journal is also responsible to evaluate and publish papers in accordance with copyright regulations regarding all kind of ideas and art works belong to third parties or institutions.
Submission of Legal / Private Permit
In studies requiring Etchics Committee Approval, in the methodology section authors should state that their studies are in accordance with ethic codes and should confirm informed consent form is recieved from the ethic committees of their institutions and the people who participated to the study.
For the use of scientific scales , questionnaires and photographs of others the authors should obtain a “permit document” from their owners and should state all the needed permissions are obtained in the article.
For the use of copyright protected works whose intellectual property rights belong to third parties or institutions author should obtain a permission document and should specify the institution or person as well as the permission date in the article.
Protection of Personal Data
Journal of Ankara Stuides is responsible to protect personal data in accordance with the law on protection of personal data. The editorial board has right to refuse the article unless the explicit consent of the individuals are not properly documented.
Manuscript Submission
Authors shall upload their manuscripts to the system by following guidelines in the online journal management system, JournalAgent . Authors, who want to submit manuscripts to the Journal of Ankara Studies, is recommended to examine the following spelling rules closely and submit the manuscript after preparing it full text on Article Template. The fact that manuscripts are prepared on template, and then submitted is important to conduct management of evaluation process in a reliable and fast manner.
Spelling Rules
Page Layout
A4 Vertical
Margins (2 cm from 4 edges)
It should not exceed 50 pages, including table and figures.
Times New Roman
Title of Manuscript
13 Pts (Bold)
Title of manuscript should be written in both Turkish and English.
With the exception of conjunctions, initial of each word should be capitalized.
should be in 9 Pts.,
should have 150-300 words.
Key Words
9 Pts.,
Min. 5, max. 7 key words, initial letters should be capitalized.
should have the same properties with the Summary and written in italics.
9 Pts.,
Min. 5, max. 7 key words, initial letters should be capitalized.
First Level Main Title (Introduction)
First level main titles should be in 11 pts. bold and regular; initial of each word should be capitalized and centered.
Second Level Sub Title
Second level main titles should be in 11 pts. bold and regular; initial of each word should be capitalized and written in the same alignment as the first paragraph (left justified).
Third Level Sub Title
Second level main titles should be in 11 pts. bold and regular; initial of each word should be capitalized and text should continue from the same line using a colon.
Text of manuscript should be written in Times New Roman and in 10 pts.
Table number and explanation should be given on the table. 'Table' text and number should be in 10 Pts., bold and regular; table number should be written in roman numeral. Table explanations should be in 10 Pts., initials should be capitalized and written in italics. Explanations in the table data (if any) should be written as Note below the table.
Table references should be absolutely made in text (Table 2).
If any graphic, map, image, photograph, etc. will be used in the manuscript, its explanation should be written below the figure and all should be given under the figure name. 'Figure' text and number should be in bold and italics. Figure explanations should be in 10 Pts. and initials should be in lowercase.
Figure references should be absolutely made in text (Figure 3).
Source of figure should be written below the figure explanation, in 10 Pts and regular; source data should be written in Bibliography section in line with the rules.
Resolution of the image to be used in the figures should be 300 DPI min.
If less than 40 words, quotations should be written in quotes.
If more than 40 words, quotations should be written in a separate paragraph, justified from the right without using quotes.
References inside text and bibliography should be written in line with the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition; bibliography should be written in alphabetically.
Indent on the second and the next lines of each reference should be given so as to be under the 4th letter.
Examples for References:
Karaca, E. (2008). Türk basınında kalem kavgaları. Bizim Kitaplar.
In-text citation: (Karaca, 2008, p. 12)
Chapters in a book
McGowan, B. (2006). Seçkinler ve kapıkulları. In H. İnalcık and D. Quataert
(Eds.). Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun ekonomik ve sosyal tarihi (1600 –
1914) (Vol 2) (p.761-884). Eren Yayıncılık.
In-text citation: (McGowan, 2006, p.763)
Translated Books
Lewis, B. (2000). Modern Türkiye’nin doğuşu (M. Kıratlı, Tran.). Türk
Tarih Kurumu.
In-text citation: (Lewis, 2000, s. 12)
Demir, S. (2012). Kültürel bellek, gelenek ve halk bilimi müzeleri. Milli Folklor
Dergisi 12(24), 184-193.
In-text citation: (Demir, 2012, p.190)
Electronic Articles
Kaçar, D. (2010). Ankara, a small town, transformed to a nation’s capital.
Journal of Planning History,9(1), 43-65.
In-text citation: (Kaçar, 2010, p. 52)
Ertuğrul, Z. (2007). Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Dönemi mimarlarından Muzaffer
Bey: Eserleri ve sanat anlayışı. [PhD Thesis, Anadolu
Üniversitesi] YÖK Tez Merkezi.
In-text citation: (Ertuğrul, 2007, p.123)
Aktüre, S. (1994). Tarih içinde Anadolu kenti mekânsal yapı çözümlemelerine
ilişkin bazı gözlem ve öneriler. In F. B. Yıldırım (Prep. by.). Kent tarihçiliği:
Kent tarihleri atölyesi, 5-6 Mart 1994 (p. 46-51). Toplu Konut İdaresi, Tarih
In-text citation: (Aktüre, 1994, p. 48)
Archival Documents
Ankara Şer’iye Sicilleri [AŞS]. (18/M/1202[Hijri]). (Record No: 178, Judgment
No: 5). Manuscript Collection, National Library of Türkiye Microfilm
Archive, Ankara.
In-text citation: (AŞS, 178/5)
Cevdet, Dahiliye Fonu [C.DH.]. (28/L/1211 [Hijri]). (File No: 126, Vol.
No: 6297), The Directorate of State Archives of the Presidency of the
Republic of Türkiye, The Ottoman Archive (BOA), İstanbul.
In-text citation: (C.DH., 126/6297, BOA)
[Photograph of Ulus City Garden]. (1933). Photograph and Postcard Collection (Inventory No: 2059). Koç University Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Center (VEKAM), Ankara.
In-text citation: (Ulus City Garden, 1933)
Memduh Biraderler. (1927). Ankara Palas [photograph]. Asır Proje Archive, Ankara.
In-text citation:(Memduh Biraderler, 1927)
Ziya Hurşit. (1339, 21 August [Hijri]). Ankara ve Ankaralıların istidadı.
Hâkimiyet- i Milliye, 894, p.1.
In-text citation: (Ziya Hurşit, 1339, p.1)
Newspaper article with no author:
Otobüs bilet ücretleri [news]. (1943, 26 Şubat). Ulus, p.6.
In-text citation:(“Otobüs bilet ücretleri,” 1943, p.6)
Newspaper Clippings
Arda Kitabevi [advertisement]. (1949, 6 Ocak). [Ulus newspaper clippings].
Copy in possession of author.
In-text citation:(“Arda Kitabevi,” 1949)
Egli, E. and Schneer, K. (Drawn by). (1932). Koçzade Hanı projesi M 1:50
[Plan]. (File No: Fevzipaşa Cad. 2720 block, 24 layout; plan no:17).
Altındağ Municipality Archive, Ankara.
In-text citation:(Egli and Schneer, 1932, Plan no:17)
Web Pages
UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage list.
In-text citation: (UNESCO, 2013)
Hızlan, D. (2023, December, 26). Edebiyat matineleri. Hürriyet.
In-text citation: (Hızlan, 2023)
NOTE: According to APA 7th Edition rules, all authors up to 20 are listed in the references section. In cases of texts with more than 20 authors, include only the first 19 authors, an ellipsis, and the final author.
In-text citation:
In sources with 3 or more authors, the first author is stated, and "et al." is used for other authors.
Abisel, N., Arslan, U.T., Behçetoğulları, P., Karadoğan, A., Öztürk, S.R. and
Ulusay, N. (2005). Çok tuhaf çok tanıdık. Metis.
In-text citation: (Abisel, et al., 2005, p.22)