1. | From the Editor Mehtap Türkyılmaz, Alev Ayaokur Page I
2. | MKE Ankaragücü As a Socio-Cultural Value of Ankara: The City and the Club in the Eyes of Its Fans Mustafa Berkay Aydın doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.09609 Pages 1 - 22
3. | An Example of the Nazi Germany’s Propaganda in Turkey: German Architectural Exhibitions in Ankara and İstanbul Evren Küçük doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.77527 Pages 23 - 38
4. | Reha Ortaçlı, a ‘Silent’ Actor of Architecture and His Unknown Apartment Blocks: Nihat Erim Apartment and Ortaçlı Apartment(s) Umut Şumnu, Selim Sertel Öztürk doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.00719 Pages 39 - 56
5. | Creation and Display Studies on Ethnographical Textiles Collection of Higher Agricultural Institute** Ayşem Yanar, Ceren Karadeniz, Elif Saraç, Simin Şay doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.83997 Pages 57 - 76
6. | Identification of the Use of Urban Parks in Ankara** Sibel Önal, Mehmet Sağır doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.57338 Pages 77 - 90
7. | Neue Zürcher Zeitung’s Article About Ankara at the 10th Year of the Turkish Republic N Selcen Korkmazcan, R. Selva Korkmazcan Isık doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.35220 Pages 91 - 95
8. | Kanlıgöl and Geological Properties That May Contribute to the Urban Identity of Ankara** Nizamettin Kazancı, Alkut Aytun, Emine Günok doi: 10.5505/jas.2018.51423 Pages 97 - 109