ISSN: 2147-8724
Journal of Ankara Studies - Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi: 8 (1)
Volume: 8  Issue: 1 - 2020
1. From the Editor
Mehtap Türkyılmaz, Alev Ayaokur
Page I

2. Secular Change in Body Height Among in Ankara Schoolchildren Since 1930’s to Up-to-Date and Relation with Socioeconomic Status
Başak Koca Özer, Ayşegül Özdemir
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.04127  Pages 1 - 12

3. An Alternative Shelter Design for Homeless People: A Proposal for Ankara
Esra Orhan Yılmaz, Gülçin Cankız Elibol
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.22932  Pages 13 - 22

4. Assessment of the Importance of the Ecosystem Services of Gölbaşı Special Environmental Protection Zone for the City of Ankara
Özlem Uğurlu
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.46338  Pages 23 - 47

5. Perceiving Ankara as a Place of Literary Memory Through Literary Museums
Ferah Burgul Adıgüzel
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.00922  Pages 49 - 70

6. Examination of the Interior and the Furniture of the Entrance Hall in the Presidential Atatürk Museum Mansion
Tuğba Andaç Güzel, Hacı Hasan Efe
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.20082  Pages 71 - 81

7. The Fall of Arcades and the Exile of Flaneur, an Arcade in Ankara
Duygu Hazal Simser
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.30602  Pages 83 - 103

8. Reading of Everyday Life in Ankara with Oral History: Güvenevler Neighbourhood, 1950-1980
Gizem Büyücek, Seçkin Büyücek
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.59454  Pages 105 - 125

9. The History of an Interior Space in Everyone’s Narrative: Birtan Kundura, Ankara
Güliz Taşdemir
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.64592  Pages 127 - 142

10. Extraordinary In-Kind Taxes Collected from the Sanjak of Ankara (1540-1640)
Süleyman Polat
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.52244  Pages 143 - 156

11. Periodic Readings on the City and Architecture: Two Office Buildings in Ankara
Nuray Bayraktar
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.92485  Pages 157 - 175

12. Turkish-American Association: The First Twenty Years of an Ankara Institution
Bahar Gürsel
doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.18480  Pages 177 - 186

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